Amarillo - Health & Fitness Deals

Name-brand cardio and strength equipment speckle 35,000 sq. ft. facility with pool, racquetball courts, fitness class studio, and child area

Licensed chiropractor soothes aching spines using advanced treatments such as x-rays, adjustments & whole-body vibration session

Odorless, smoke-free e-cigarettes mimic authentic smoking experience with jolts of nicotine vapor in tobacco or menthol flavors

Exercise accouterments crafted from eco-friendly or recycled materials with included DVD workouts help maintain New Year's resolutions

Space-saving, over-the-door exercise unit challenges users with up to 130 pounds of resistance for full-body workout in 7 minutes

Group workouts combine strength, cardio, & yoga methods with motivating pace established by certified trainers

Black-lit labyrinth challenges putters on neon-clad course with sharp angled corners, glowing impediments, and difficult obstacles

Clinical nutritionist counsels clients in ideal dining tactics for their unique body type, menu plans & methods to eschew emotional eating

Sprawling, modern facility hosts Latin-inspired Zumba dance-fitness classes, strength-building power yoga & soothing hydro-massage beds

Experienced dental staff customizes upper & lower mouthpieces to enhance results of take-home teeth-whitening treatments