Atlanta - Health & Fitness Deals

Tanning beds darken epidermises & keep them comfy with built-in cooling apparatuses & airbrush booths spray skin with UV-free bronzer

Light-activated gel coats chompers, then lifts stains & discoloration during session that leaves smiles eight shades brighter on average

Experienced yoga instructors coach students of all skill levels during hot & regular yoga sessions & offer classes in Spanish

Certified colon hydrotherapists employ warm, filtered water system to cleanse intestinal tracts of impacted waste & toxins in private room

Over 7 appointments, licensed dentists apply custom dental implants & porcelain crowns to protect damaged teeth for seamlessly bright smiles

Lauded linksman preaches power & accuracy & analyzes swings using video technology

Talented instructors oversee workshops that introduce basic moves, chair-dancing techniques, burlesque & aerial-yoga poses

Dental technicians brighten bicuspids up to 12 shades & pH-neutral, alkaline-free formula yields little or no tooth sensitivity

Easy-to-use at-home inversion system gently stretches & strengthens backs while leveraging body weight

Experienced instructors lead group fitness sessions including cycling, Zumba, stretching & boot-camp classes