Austin - Outdoor Pursuits Deals

Runners face a 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Tubes and coolers float down Comal River before an air-conditioned shuttle takes groups on unlimited trips back to launch point

Paddleboards, double kayaks, and canoes float across Lady Bird Lake, which offers views of cliffs, native birds, and Austin's skyline

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Veteran rider Beth Parrish prepares students to ride and communicate with horses during private lessons in English- or Western-style saddles

Five-hour race takes participants through a gauntlet of challenges, exploring Austin and testing minds and mettle

Atop rental boards from brands such as Yolo, Surftech, and Riviera, adventurers explore Lady Bird Lake

Certified instructors give brief instruction and then help customers launch for tandem flights over the Texas countryside outside Austin

A working longhorn ranch challenges visitors to ascend five-story log towers, speed across ziplines, and kayak down Guadalupe River

Runners face a 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer