Baltimore Deals

Cross-platform education site preps students in GMAT, LSAT, and other academic fields through discussion boards, quizzes, and practice tests

Sample fine wines, liquors, and food from more than 200 local chefs and restaurants; cooking demonstrations also included

Students sweat to indie and hip-hop tunes during high-intensity strength and flexibility workouts designed around ballet-barre exercises

Certified chiropractors consult with patients on back pain, conduct special tests, and perform spinal adjustments and physical therapy

Meat bundles keep grills sizzling and bellies full with sirloin steaks and dozens of gourmet burgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst sausages

Authentic Italian dishes such as lasagna al forno, veal piccata, and seafood pastas with fresh shrimp and mussels

ASE-certified technicians outfit vehicles with oil changes and tire rotations inside AAA-approved maintenance and repair shops

Weekly meal plans praised in In Style make five kid-friendly meals and sides out of 20 seasonal ingredients

Wielding a handheld airbrush, technicians tint clients’ skin to a custom, even tone in 15-minute sessions

Eye exam checks for ocular irregularities; eyewear from renowned brands such as Coach, Oakley, and Tiffany