Boston Deals
Choice cuts of beef, chicken, and seafood marinate are cooked to order on an Argentinian grill
Upbeat instructors encourage students to set their own pace during energetic spins scored by pulsing beats or music videos
Crews remove 3'x8'x48" worth of indoor or outdoor junk
90-minute tour through a history-rich upscale neighborhood explores the transformation from its beginnings as a polluted lagoon
Signature workouts blend yoga, ballet & core-strengthening techniques to boost flexibility; outdoor boot camps emphasize cardio exercise.
Adorn a bisque piece with provided paints, stencils, and stamps during a laidback session, which includes glazing and firing
Teppanyaki grilling incorporates showmanship as chefs roast platefuls of meats and vegetables at diners' tables
Seasoned crew pilots Victorian steamship past historic buildings and area wildlife during scenic three-hour cruise narrated by historian
Indoor community pool with lanes and hours set aside for family, free-swim fun
Large troupe fills an intimate venue with a mix of audience-suggested improv and scripted sketches and songs