Buffalo - Shopping Deals

Easy-to-use online system allows guests to create custom ornaments using full-color personal pictures & text

Holiday-inspired CD collection featuring Christmas classics & originals works to improve kids’ motor skills & speech

Heavyweight, silk-finished cards display professional designs, fonts, holiday themes & customer-uploaded photos

Predesigned & custom messages accent walls with variety of sentiments & sizes & self-adhesive decal moves easily.

Oprah-endorsed artwork frames images of found objects such as trees, fences & signs that double as letters to spell name or word

Knowledgeable staff waxes & sharpens skis & snowboards to combat routine wear & aid performance on slopes

Free, easy to use software helps create fully personalized photo books, cards & invitations with custom images & text

Expansive hardware inventory; Hourly & daily equipment rentals; Thorough snow blower tune-up;

Staff rescues & refurbishes gently used & worn-out furniture & home accessories, updating stock frequently with practical yet chic items

Staff rescues & refurbishes gently used & worn-out furniture & home accessories, updating stock frequently with practical yet chic items