Central Jersey - Medical Spas Deals

Noninvasive, FDA-approved cold laser helps to slim inches from waistline, hips, and thighs with little to no downtime

Cynosure Smartlipo treatments use lasers and traditional liposuction technology to remove fat while reducing bruising and recovery time

Spider veins are gently broken down and dissolved during sessions that last up to 20 minutes

Candela laser technology eradicates unwanted hair, leaving skin smooth

Noninvasive, FDA-approved cold laser helps to slim inches from waistline, hips, and thighs with little to no downtime

Deft laser techs preempt waxing and shaving by disabling hair at the follicle, permanently reducing growth

IPL laser targets broad swaths of hair; Nd:YAG laser has deeper reach

FDA-approved treatment uses radio frequency to tighten tissue and shrink fat cells, increasing metabolic activity and strengthening collagen

Small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are injected into faces to boost collagen production and even out skin tone

Treatments inject dermal fillers and patients' own platelet-rich plasma to create more youthful complexions