Chicago - Professional Services Deals

Cobblers breathe new life into shoes, buffing scuffs, repairing broken heels & blanketing soles with protective layers

Steven Kowalski helms flash-savvy staff that photographs babies & children, couples, families & professional headshots

Weekly shopping lists showcase flavorful, healthy recipes customized by store, diet & price, all in time for postholiday fitness kicks

Media-transfer specialists siphon video from outdated formats onto DVDs

Fresh from professional makeovers, up to 36 women & men mingle to find ideal match in posh setting that includes appetizers & British hosts

Techs install new iPhone glass via dust-snubbing technique, unstick Blackberry keyboards & trackballs & diagnose other digital difficulties

Steven Kowalski helms a flash-savvy staff that photographs babies & children, couples, families & professional headshots

Digital conversion liberates cherished memories from fragile analog formats so they can live on labeled DVDs with slim-line cases

Skilled designers give students hands-on experience burning screens & printing high-quality fashion fit T-shirts to take home

Dedicated technicians repair defunct electronics & replace cracked smartphone screens in 15–30 minutes with OEM parts & 90-day warranties