Dallas - Medical Spas Deals
Quick tests screen for HIV, syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis
Pulses of light address complexion concerns such as redness, age spots, and wrinkles
In one-hour sessions, Bio-Curve's electrical-muscle-stimulation system diminishes fat and cellulite as it gradually tones muscles
In a physician-supervised clinic, nurse practitioners inject Botox or Dysport into patients' visages to reduce wrinkles and face furrows
Specialists wield FDA-approved Candela YAG laser to ease appearance of spider veins, with cooling system for comfort
Three-step process exfoliates and extracts while reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and brown spots
Technicians use lasers to eliminate or reduce the appearance of fuzzy patches
A nonsurgical, low-light laser gently pulses on skin to shrink fat cells and Herbalogica body wrap expels toxins
Noninvasive laser targets unwanted follicles during six treatments scheduled every two to four weeks
With a noninvasive therapy similar to ancient cupping techniques, suction cups exert alternating pressure to break up fat and cellulite