Denver Deals

Noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment trims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime

Certified laser specialists purify faces with noninvasive laser treatments to stimulate collagen, shrink pores & fill out fine lines

Experienced instructors teach classes of up to 8 students to shape holiday-themed glass art with hands-on instruction & provided materials

Professional bull rider & fitness instructor Ryan Ehmann helps scorch unwanted calories with boot-camp classes, workout DVDs & diet plan

Experienced instructors lead dancers through 12+ dance styles, such as fox trot & waltz, in supportive, 40-minute group lessons

Ballet-inspired classes help students slim girth & hips & strengthen abs during low-impact barre workouts

Winter outfitter nominated for CityVoter A-List displays huge selection of gear & provides equipment tune-ups from specialists

60-minute microdermabrasion treatments beautify faces with fine crystals that help erase lines, scars & unseemly pigments

Physician-supervised, certified techs use laser that gently removes hair from small areas

Lodge-style eatery arranges barbecue dinners from slow-smoked meats, made-from-scratch sides & award-winning ribs imported from Denmark