Denver - Bootcamp Deals

Boot camps combine cardio, strength, and boxing moves to get people of every ability level into shape

Navy Special Operations–style workout that blends dry-land calisthenics with swimming and weight training in the water

Skilled coaches lead varying levels of workouts designed to burn 500–1,000 calories & focused on cardio, flexibility & core strength

Certified instructors help guests jump rope, pump iron & kickbox towards fitter physiques with interval and resistance training

Instructors lead patrons of all fitness levels through 60-minute classes incorporating rotating array of exercises to maximize results

High-energy dance steps move hips & feet in time with Latin–inspired beats during 60-minute Zumba classes

Outdoor boot camp helps fitness to the next level with one-hour, total-body workouts at North Boulder Park

Instructors lead circuit-training routines of weights, plyometrics & core conditioning for men & women of all fitness levels

Former NCAA football player Sean Davis leads functional workouts that challenge bodies with cardio & strength exercises for up to 45 minutes

Professional bull rider & fitness instructor Ryan Ehmann helps scorch unwanted calories with boot-camp classes, workout DVDs & diet plan