Fort Lauderdale Deals

Holistic practitioners gauge the body's nutritional needs and toxin levels and treat maladies with sterile, hair-thin needles

Hot subs, baked pastas, and veal sautéed in wine; barbecue and marinara sauces on oven-baked pizzas with 20+ toppings

Guests board chartered boat with their own food and drinks to head for ankle-deep waters for four hours of relaxation

Botox smoothes foreheads, crow’s-feet, and the area between eyebrows

Instructors foster rapport between rider & steed during lessons; summer camp leaders guide students on trail walks & incorporate activities

Award-winning restaurant doles out 46-oz. margaritas and fresh seafood tossed in homemade sauces

Catamaran shuttles guests to waters near John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park & National Marine Sanctuary for hour of fun & instruction

All-natural, homemade sauces ladled atop lobster ravioli and Siclian-style pizzas

Licensed massage therapists fuse multiple modalities and products ranging from chocolate oil to warm bamboo

Car MDs inject 5 quarts of fresh oil into ailing autos and also replace filter, wash windows, and vacuum interior