Fresno - Health & Fitness Deals

Vitamin B12 injections can increase metabolism, boost energy levels, and improve moods

Ninety-minute training DVD offers golf tips to improve the full swing, short game, mental approach, and course management

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days

Golf instructors hone form for play at any level during lessons that take place from dawn to dusk on driving range and practice courses

In a 2,100 sq. ft. space, certified coaches teach kettlebell swings and high-intensity CrossFit routines that tone bodies and torch calories

A health assessment, massage, and footbath complement a two-hour seminar about innovative new ways to shed pounds and keep them off

Kickboxing classes combine boxing & martial arts to help to tone & trim physiques & one-on-one training helps to refine style & results

Doctor examines the back to identify problem areas and performs gentle adjustments as needed

Dr. Kevin Fan inserts thin needles at key points on body's energy pathways for relief from such maladies as pain & depression

Experienced practitioners enlist neurological & orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches.