Grand Rapids - Home Services Deals

During appointments, a professional technician makes sure sprinklers spray in top shape before making adjustments

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

During a 1- to 2-hour process, cleaners help move lightweight furniture before pretreating spots and refreshing carpet with nontoxic steam

Professionals clean interior and exterior glass panes to a sparkling shine

The preventive treatment protects lawns from white grubs for up to seven months and is backed by a satisfaction guarantee

Techs identify areas that encourage pest activity before administering elimination treatments and offering prevention education.

Homeowners restore their green spaces to orderliness through removal of entire trees or trim of overgrown branches

Specialists remove or trim trees and shrubs in three man-hours to prevent damage to homes and lawns or to keep up landscape aesthetics.

Technicians extract cylinders of soil, creating pores that soak up water and nutrients.

One or two technicians employ high-pressure water to blast grime & mildew from home exterior, garage & walkway in two to three hours