Houston - Health & Fitness Deals

10 trays of professional-grade peroxide formula for each patient, plus exam and x-ray

High-intensity workouts incorporate varied movements through weight training, kettlebells, muscle-ups, squats, burpees, and pushups

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days

Exam finds points of pain; adjustments correct misalignments; massage releases tension

Par 68 executive course presents water hazards on nearly every hole and fuels players with a sandwich or salad and cold drink

Chiropractic exam, manipulation, and therapeutic massage tend to spinal woes in four visits

Natural looking dental crowns cover one, two, four, or six damaged teeth

Dentist-developed toothbrush moves 30,000 strokes per minute to clean teeth in two minutes before returning to its self-sanitizing charger

Duo of certified yoga instructors guides students through 90-minute heated hatha Vinyasa-style classes

Colon hydrotherapy tailored to each patient removes waste buildup in colon while the patient is comfortably positioned and covered