Jacksonville - Health & Fitness Deals

Online portal compiles recipes, workouts & inspirational seminars to augment program designed to help women & men meet weight loss goals

Juices, shakes, snacks & supplements fortify customers 5 times a day for 48 hours in an effort to detoxify systems & stimulate weight loss

A laser device, set at 20 microns, resurfaces skin and softens the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars

Power Tee machines automatically replace range balls after each swing at 40 adjustable tee heights & feature Fiberbuilt strike mats

With delivered kit, customers administer FDA–approved teeth-whitening method at home that causes minimal sensitivity

Choose engaging boot-camp sessions or classes such as spinning or Zumba. Create a personal health plan with a trainer and nutrition classes.

Technician combines Cutera Vantage and Palomar pulsed-light systems to remove hair from one small, medium, or large area on all skin types

Electric carts carry groups as they hone long and short games on one of three courses; golfers also send balls flying at the driving range.

Intense pulses of light clear the skin of broken blood vessels, brown spots, sun damage, and the presence of rosacea.

FDA-approved, U.S.-made carbamide peroxide whitens smiles up to five shades in trays custom molded at home