Kansas City - Health & Fitness Deals

Kickboxing classes combine boxing & martial arts to help to tone & trim physiques & one-on-one training helps to refine style & results

Trainers lead private or group classes toward weight loss, toning, sports training or injury recovery, plus offer nutrition advice

Yoga classes accommodate all ages and abilities with stress-relief sessions, Hatha variants, and gentle hot flow

In 10–15 minute physical exams, physicians ensure that the body is fit to participate in athletics

Twelve sessions of high-intensity strength training

X-rays and digital mouth impressions create clear, removable aligners that straighten teeth in 6–15 months

Pole-dancing workouts incorporate bodyweight exercises, graceful spins & exciting tricks to tone arms & cultivate confidence.

Flirty fitness classes incorporate classic burlesque props and costumes, poles, and chairs in the quest for total-body fitness

Toxins drawn from body via pores in the feet or during FAR infrared sauna sessions, 60 to 80 degrees cooler than traditional saunas

Organic gel activates beneath an LED light to render teeth up to 14 shades whiter