Las Vegas - Health & Fitness Deals

Staff travels to homes & offices to whiten smiles up to eight shades with hydrogen peroxide gel & LED light technology

B12 shots, low-cal diet plan, pedometer & exercise regimen join forces to combat bulge during one-month program

Motivational instructors push pupils to physical peaks & mold strong, lean bodies during coed outdoor & indoor boot-camp sessions

24-hour gym boasts Power Plate vibrating workout platforms alongside traditional equipment, personal training & unlimited tanning

FDA-approved equipment slims specific body areas by delivering electrical currents to muscles, which contract & reduce body fat

Experienced instructors help students build core strength & limber limbs through Pilates mat & Reformer classes

TrackMan analysis integrates detailed video & data to improve swing mechanics with slow-motion capture & comparison to pro golfer's swing

LED light activates two to five doses of hydrogen-peroxide-based gel for results that can appear overnight & last up to one year

Four-week physician-supervised weight-loss program combines nutrition plans, metabolism-boosting injections & unlimited counseling

Certified instructors lead students through 26 Hatha postures during 50 weekly Bikram yoga sessions held inside heated room