Las Vegas - Health & Fitness Deals

Ballet-inspired barre workouts help strengthen wobbly muscles while high-energy cycle classes tackle calories and enhance cardio health

Optometrists & helpful eyewear specialists guide patrons toward appropriate lenses & prescriptions

B12 injections overseen by clinic's head physician can boost energy & immune-system function to prime bodies for flu season

Muscle-mending doctors examine backs for pain-causing maladies & eradicate them with physiotherapy & massage

Veteran PGA-certified instructor Tony Lawson enlists video swing analysis to foster golf swing improvement at expansive practice facility

Injection by experienced surgeon smoothes wrinkles for up to a year; facial helps to refine skin texture & fade sun damage

Experienced trainers lead students in groups with circuit training, conditioning or one-on-one boxing lessons or to create hearty pugilists

Certified golf coach & video analysis conspire to pinpoint bad habits & help pupils improve swing technique

Featured twice on The Biggest Loser ; Can improve health & strength; Increase core strength & burn fat;

Improves circulation; Builds strength and stamina; Appropriate for prenatal exercise; Classes open to all skill levels;