Long Island - Health & Fitness Deals

All-in-one home unit lets users easily transition between more than 80 simple and advanced exercises

A gravity-driven colonic flushes waste from the digestive system; an ionic bath extracts impurities from the feet

Beginners class introduces students to golf-course setup before practice at the range; golf simulator transports players to famous courses

Dozens of group fitness classes include six styles of yoga, boot camps, dance, and Pilates-based core work

Instantly whitens teeth with UV-free treatments in a spa-like office; experienced doctor has performed 10,000+ whitening treatments

Instructors strengthen body and mind with a slew of fitness and martial-arts classes ranging from Zumba to judo

Needles as fine as hairs work to correct the flow of energy through the body to relieve assorted ailments or rejuvenate the complexion

Certified doctors enhance visual acuity and correct astigmatism with an excimer laser after making a corneal incision with a blade or laser

Expert trainers lead intense group classes that use body-weight resistance, cardio training, and free weights to build muscle and stamina

Doctor evaluates patients, then tells a massage therapist where to hunt for issues and extinguish pain