Minneapolis / St Paul Deals
Full-body acupuncture targets specific points to relieve stress and pain; facial acupuncture works to diminish blemishes and fine lines
At a center devoted to three things—eating, bowling, and playing—dine on specialty burgers, sandwiches, or pizza with draft beer or soda
Brazilian hard wax removes hair from the full nether region without adhering to the skin, and strip wax uproots hair on the full back.
Non-invasive laser treatment targets entire body, including face & neck, smoothing out skin tone & texture with minimal discomfort
Stylists reinvigorate tresses for the upcoming fall season with fresh cuts, conditioning treatments, and base color with highlights
Diners test sleuthing skills while supping on three-course meal during interactive dinnertime murder mystery set in 1920s gangland
Experienced technicians inspect water heaters to prevent potential troubles during cold winters
Lasers selectively heat visible vessels to disrupt the deposits that create spider veins, reducing visibility with each treatment
Gallery-wrapped canvas immortalizes analog or digital image on 1.5-inch-thick creation that can be hung without frame
A large stock of wigs, masks, makeup, and special effects enliven parties, plays, movies, and magic acts