Minneapolis / St Paul - Cosmetic Surgeons Deals

Non-invasive laser treatment targets entire body, including face & neck, smoothing out skin tone & texture with minimal discomfort

Radio frequencies and magnetic pulses work to ease wrinkles, tighten skin, and smooth cellulite

Technician works to remove spider veins during one-hour appointment

Blue-spectrum lasers or chemical exfoliation techniques alleviate the appearance of acne

Microdermabrasion and chemical peels exfoliate outer layers of skin to help diminish fine lines, age spots, and dull patches.

Dr. Scott Ross applies handheld medical-grade laser to battle sun damage, facial veins & age spots

Technician uses specialized laser system to saturate follicles with targeted wavelengths that deter hair growth

Accomplished surgeon & cosmetic physician helms facility where technicians eliminate bristles from lip, chin, underarms, or bikini line

Skilled clinicians direct salt water-like solution into veins to shrink & eliminate venal walls during 15- to 45-minute session

Dr. Scott Ross applies handheld medical-grade laser to quickly remove unwanted hair with minimal discomfort