Minneapolis / St Paul - Day Spas Deals

Specialist arranges thin needles along energy channels to relax & heal body & massage therapist shoos away stress & aches with massage

Each 30-minute exfoliation reduces the appearance of fine lines, acne, and mild scarring while promoting cell renewal.

Nail techs exfoliate, massage & paint on polish & clients choose between hot-towel or paraffin-wax treatment in 3,600-square-foot spa

During each 90-minute session, massage therapist borrows Swedish & deep-tissue techniques to address each client's needs

Hour massage paired with facial helps calm mind or pink-and-white acrylics give appearance of french tips, highlights add streaks of color.

Aesthetician couples warm wax with gentle touch to completely uproot fuzz from nether regions

Crystal-free microdermabrasion exfoliates the complexion with help from steaming, pore-cleansing, and hydrating treatments

A full menu of aesthetic services including facials, body wraps & massages

In less than 30 minutes, aestheticians use wax to leave bodies bare below belt with results that last for several weeks

Steady-handed aestheticians wield liquid-based Nufree serum to gently uproot every last hair from nether regions