Minneapolis / St Paul - Home Services Deals
Licensed & insured technicians spray yards to eliminate mosquitoes & ticks
Landscapers with 21 years of experience maintain lawns & plants or mow yards for four weeks
Licensed, bonded & insured cleaning techs exorcize grime from bathroom & kitchen fixtures, swipe dust from appliances & hand clean floors
Experienced technicians inspect and clean worn air conditioners.
Techs spray stains with activated conditioner before professional-grade products with little to no chemicals brighten & deodorize carpets
Insured & bonded professionals employ high-velocity water to scour homes with up to three stories, evicting grime & mold from exteriors
All-natural fertilizers nourish grass; aeration promotes root health; and garlic-based repellent drives away mosquitoes
Geothermal contractor checks performance & fluids of geothermal ground pump in preparation for summer needs
Contractors protect surrounding surfaces before painting interiors and exteriors.
Professional landscapers prune lawns once a week for six straight weeks.