Modesto - Health & Fitness Deals

Friendly dentist with accreditation and sprawling amounts of experience checks out mouths with an exam, cleaning, and x-rays

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days

Personal trainers keep muscles guessing during 40-minute circuit-training classes; training sessions and weigh-ins boost weight loss

Online portal compiles recipes, workout videos, and inspirational seminars to augment diet program designed for weight loss and detox.

Focused kneads and pressure work to assuage aches, bolster circulation, and lower blood pressure

Dentist spends two hours looking for cavities and cleaning teeth before brightening smiles with Opalescence Boost whitening

With help from a coach and a CurvesSmart card, ladies trim and tone during a 30-minute circuit workout with strength and cardio stations

Enthusiastic coaches and teachers get tykes in tip-top shape through classes in dance, cheer, gymnastics, and more

World-champion black belts helm tae kwon do classes for all ages, emphasizing strength of character alongside technique

One-hour classes combine cardio, strength training & dance for total-body workout set to current music hits