New York City Deals

Gourmet eatery from owner of Blossom dishes out internationally inspired eats & organic wines, including certified-kosher varietals

Wood-fired brick-oven pizzas & dinner entrees delight guests amid bistro-like atmosphere & offsite catering orders feed large groups

Cleansing foot soaks purge toxins & staff instructs clients on self-administering colonics that use quadruple-filtered water to remove waste

Studio hosts more than 100 classes each week for students of all skill levels, incorporating centering chants & meditation into each session

Patented hypoallergenic waxes reduce pain, noninvasive lasers zap follicles & other spa services add trendy accents to skin

Meticulous tailors craft well-fitting men's & women's egyptian-cotton dress shirts & customize each with stitched chest or sleeve monogram

Commercially certified FAA pilot takes balloons on breathtaking and memorable one-hour flights at sunrise or sunset

Frozen margaritas temper heat from classic Tex-Mex dishes such as fajitas & burritos slathered with cheeses, guacamole & sauces

Welcoming students of all skill levels & body types, dedicated instructors hone taut cores & sturdy limbs with mat & equipment classes

Licensed therapist uses techniques mastered in Bangkok to delve into tension, restore range of motion & soothe swollen muscles