Oklahoma City - Health & Fitness Deals

After an exam and consultation, a chiropractor performs adjustments and administers a massage to address spinal concerns

After an exam and consultation, an acupuncturist inserts hair-thin needles into bodies to channel energy flow and address various ailments

Dr. Pardee examines patients to formulate a custom weight-loss plan, highlighting lifestyle and nutrition changes.

Holistic weight-loss program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking, and natural supplements

Laser technology restores clarity to patients with less than perfect eyesight, allowing them to go without glasses or contacts

Zumba combines Latin dance moves with resistance and interval training; Krav Maga teaches self-defense moves to thwart surprise attacks

Each week certified trainer leads multiple one-hour workouts that engage students with various exercises, such as cardio and plyometrics

Glasses from brands such as Versace, Anne Klein, and Vogue

An experienced chiropractor keeps spines healthy with a consultation, exam, and x-rays before a 60-minute massage eases minds and bodies

Hot and restorative yoga classes blend together elements of Hatha, Ashtanga, and Anusara disciplines