Omaha - Health & Fitness Deals

Exams and digital x-rays screen for oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay, and cleanings eradicate plaque and tartar

Certified trainers push attendees toward healthier physiques and dietary habits during one-hour boot-camp classes with ever-varying routines

Highly concentrated peroxide-based gel & cool accelerator light team up to erase discoloration in four 15-minute treatment sessions

Skilled coaches lead varying levels of workouts designed to burn 500–1,000 calories and focused on cardio, flexibility, and core strength

Tree-lined fairways unfurl around a lake at an executive nine-hole course

All-in-one home unit lets users easily transition between more than 80 simple and advanced exercises

With ancient discipline and modern sports-science techniques, kickboxing fitness classes use intense interval training to burn calories

Doctors peer at retinas with dilation-free Optomap scan technology before patients shop name-brand frames

Lasers prompt fat cells to relinquish their fatty acids, which are then quickly burned away with exercise

Organic body wraps stimulate circulatory & lymphatic system to flush away cellulite & residual waste for younger-looking skin