Omaha - Health & Fitness Deals

Trainers address super trio of fitness with weightlifting BodySculpt, limb-stretching Pilates/Yoga & cardio-fueled Boot Camp & Zumba

Nurse practitioner shrinks acne scars using sterilized, diamond-tipped wand & conditions skin with vitamin-fortified Ultra Peel II solution

Fitness professionals lead patrons through variety of fitness classes in facility with Jacuzzi, new equipment, large indoor pool & sauna

Noninvasive, FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs without requiring downtime

Certified trainers prescribe diets, measure bodies to mark progress & oversee workouts for groups of eight or fewer

Meditation seeks serenity in self-awareness; one-on-one consultations identify chakra blockages & prescribe personal-wellness programs

New & refurbished home & commercial gym equipment from brands such as Precor, Everlast & Spri

Weight-loss programs combine hypnosis & yoga to help clients achieve healthier bodies & skills for long-term maintenance

Specially designed blood test reveals allergies caused by 46 foods, including shellfish, wheat, peanuts & milk

Muscles strengthen & inches disappear during 20–30 minute vibration sessions that stimulate circulation & reduce cellulite