Palm Beach Deals

Two-day event fosters environmental awareness through interactive, family-friendly activities

Massage therapists revive skin & ease muscle tension with anti-age peel wraps & Swedish massage in mod décor with cushioned banquettes

Potter's wheels spin & figure models pose as instructors help adults improve their skills in sculpture, painting & other visual arts

Luxury Italian speed machines use 500 hp engines for 100 mph drive captured on film

Extended coverage of local news, dining & business by the county's largest news team in expanded Sunday editions

Experienced instructors lead classes that blend ballet, Pilates & weights Monday–Saturday in studio with sprung dance floors

Experienced stylists refashion follicles into glamorous, smooth-flowing locks with customized cuts, conditioning & coloring treatments

Rock, funk reggae, & hip-hop converge in fun-filled concert featuring noted alternative band & party DJ

Professional techs nix the need for daily makeup application with long-term eye, brow or lip cosmetics dispensed in spa-like atmosphere

Tanning pros apply dye-free Norvell solution for airbrush tan that lasts up to 9 days & stand-up or lay-down UV tan rooms play chosen music