Providence - Professional Services Deals

Laundry pros wash, dry, and fold garments and linens using quality detergents, bleaches, and softeners, paying extra attention to stains.

Cameras in hand, groups of up to 15 explore a tangle of canals, trails & waterfalls while learning the intricacies of digital photography.

Donations support preservation of Aquidneck Island’s natural spaces by funding projects for neighborhoods & community groups

Booths display live feed on HDTV as partygoers pose with props, resulting in color & black & white prints inscribed with custom header

Photographer snaps 12 hours' worth of shots at wedding that yields abundant images congregated on CD and as prints, canvas art, and album

Photographers capture digital images on choice of background & share them with subjects who receive 40% off additional purchases

Expert launderers pick up bags of clothing for laundry & dry cleaning. Sign up online to choose detergent, folding & other preferences

Sunlight spills across private studio as experienced photographer captures subjects' curves with boudoir photos

Personalized photo prints & emblems adorn hats & shirts & online design tools with templates & custom text yield attractive business cards

Speed daters gather at local restaurants & bars, meet up to 12 prospective companions & get list of possible matches within 24 hours