Raleigh / Durham - Charity Deals

Donations help protect 30 dogs from heartworm disease with a month's worth of preventative heartworm medication

Donations fund online career-coach mentoring and online skills portfolios to help 30 youths reach graduation and enter the workforce

Donations to provide a beach vacation to help a veteran reconnect with his or her family after returning home from deployment

Donations help provide seniors or adults with disabilities with round-trip transportation to complete errands or go to doctor's appointments

Donations support Accion's work with small businesses in the 11 counties impacted by wildfires

Donations fund food, supplies, medications, and their delivery for the pets of adults with disabilities or who are homebound

Donations help feed rescued lions, tigers, and bobcats with whole chickens, beef, and deer for one day

Donations help provide Welcome Home packages with encouraging letters, treats, and toiletries for soldiers returning from overseas

Donations help organization fund meals for children with disabilities who are in developmental programs at children’s centers

Donations support sending students at risk for dropping out of high school on local college tours to motivate them & encourage graduation