Raleigh / Durham - Shopping Deals

Metal molder encases computer-scanned copies of cherished photos inside double-sided charm with protective glass & rustic metal frame

Military-inspired online store run by former drill sergeant stocks patriotic gear for men & women, with lifetime guarantee on all items

Easy-to-use online system allows guests to create custom Valentine's Day mugs & cards using full-color personal pictures & text

Consignment apparel for infants to 12-year-olds alongside handmade original headbands & maternity dresses in sunny shop with play area

Husband & wife team keep cozy shop stocked with rainbow of yarn colors & textures as well as accessories & handmade looms

Clothing racks at women’s boutique teem with contemporary fashions from Rag & Bone, Hudson, Parker & BB Dakota

Pop star Justin Bieber’s angelic face graces pair of dentist-approved toothbrushes, which echo his hit singles for 120 brush-heavy seconds

3X optical-zoom lens captures 12.2-megapixel images, displayed on 2.7-inch LCD screen & safeguarded in 2GB internal memory

Artisan handcrafts unique jewelry from recycled, repurposed & upcycled bicycle parts & chain-mail weaves

Image experts touch up photos before transferring them to wrapped, textured artist-canvas prints