Sacramento - Cosmetic Surgeons Deals
Cynosure Gentle YAG laser customizes to patients' skin tone and causes spider veins to slowly fade and disappear
Toxin-free treatments use healing properties in blood to ease appearance of wrinkles & smooth skin.
Minimally invasive Botox treatments take about 15 minutes & leave faces wrinkle-free for up to four months
Lasers zap fat cells in noninvasive 40- to 50-minute procedure designed to reshape bodies & reduce cellulite
Vascular specialist shrinks spider veins with fast, noninvasive methods such as sclerotherapy injections & FDA-approved Veinwave technology
Electro-slim technology gently contracts targeted muscle groups in 60 minutes to help to trim physiques & reduce cellulite
40- to 50-minute sessions; 10 minutes on vibrating platform; Noninvasive procedure;