Sacramento - Detoxification Deals

Gliding strokes rid body of tension & gentle kneads smooth out kinks inside tranquil spa setting

Certified colon hydrotherapist banishes internal impurities with warm footbaths or eradicates impacted waste & toxic matter with colonics

Lapex 2000 BCS LipoLaser paddles shrink unwanted fat by purging cells of water, glycerol & free fatty acids

FDA-approved rollers & suction help to improve circulation to reduce cellulite, recontour body & purge toxins

Positive & negative ions course through water to draw out toxins & impurities through feet during 30-minute soak

Sauna pod’s 180-degree temperature forces fat cells & toxins to flee through sweat beads that fall during 45-minute procedure

National board–certified colon hydrotherapist and staff use FDA-registered device to cleanse digestive systems of toxins with purified water

Certified colon hydrotherapist eradicates impacted waste & toxic matter with painless colon cleanses within private treatment room

Filtered-water therapy; Flushes out built-up waste; Promotes circulation; Burn calories;