Sacramento - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Certified technicians perform noninvasive laser body contouring to help lessen the appearance of cellulite, fat, and stretch marks

IPL treatments erase brown spots, reduce redness, and stimulate collagen production to tighten facial skin

Noninvasive infrared light penetrates skin to shrink fat cells, resulting in lost inches

Doctors melt fat from stubborn problem areas through tiny incisions in skin during laser-assisted outpatient procedure.

FDA-approved Lapex 2000 BCS laser coaxes temporary inch loss from targeted areas

Noninvasive lasers penetrate skin to shrink fat cells, resulting in lost inches

Certified technicians perform noninvasive laser body contouring to help lessen appearance of cellulite, fat & stretch marks

Detoxifying 30-minute treatment torches calories, reduces the appearance of cellulite & boosts circulation while relieving minor joint pain.

Noninvasive Electro-Slim devices stimulate muscles & tissue to smooth skin & build core strength

Doctors melt fat from stubborn problem areas through tiny incisions in skin during laser-assisted outpatient procedure