San Antonio - Health & Fitness Deals

Experienced technicians diminish appearance of spider veins with minimal discomfort via electrolysis

Instructors lead classes in core-strengthening, feminine workout set to Eastern music & the jingles of coin-belt-clad hips

Zumba classes promote party-like atmosphere as exercisers step to Latin-dance-inspired choreography taught by passionate fitness guru

Noninvasive, FDA-approved Zerona treatments encourage inch-loss with nutritional guidance & VibraTrim workouts for long-lasting results

Advanced technology spares smiles from brackets & wires with gradual adjustment by nearly invisible, custom-crafted removable aligners

Experienced instructors lead students through 26 body-bending Bikram poses in balmy studio

Intraoral cameras broadcast enlarged images of teeth & gums & dentists consult with patients about braces & any additional problems

Dr. Delio Ortegon harnesses CoolGlide IPL lasers to blast away unwanted hair from all skin tones as cooling attachment soothes skin

Seasoned instructors lead outdoor workouts that pair strength training & cardio exercises to tone muscles, burn calories & boost confidence

Customized hydrotherapy sessions capsize tension with heated waves of water or certified therapists administer hands-on massage therapy