San Jose - Health & Fitness Deals

Certified guides lead climbers through custom routes over unusual rock formations & redwood canyons

Exams, cleanings & low-radiation digital x-rays help improve oral health & painless teeth whitening brightens smiles using LED light

Expert personal trainers lead outdoor boot-camp sessions where pupils sprint, lunge & pass medicine balls in pursuit of svelte physiques

Hypnotherapist David Allen aims to convince the subconscious that the stomach has had gastric bypass surgery; take-home CD maximizes results

Dr. Suman Kumar & her friendly staff straighten crooked teeth with clear Invisalign aligners

Ballet-inspired classes help students slim girth & hips & strengthen abs during low-impact barre workouts

Golfland sidekicks arcade games with colorful mini-golf courses that romp through whimsical terrain laden with Old West forts & windmills

Four-time world jiu-jitsu champion emphasizes technique & sparring in grappling & kickboxing workshops for all ages

After exam with x-rays & mouth impressions, Dr. Hema Patel straightens crooked chompers with clear, removable aligners in 6–15 months

Badminton Outing for Two or Four with Racket Rental and Shuttlecocks (Up to 65% Off)