Savannah / Hilton Head - Dentists Deals

Dental team coaxes out stains with professional whitening gel

Dental professionals visually inspect the oral cavity, evaluate x-rays, clear out plaque, and polish teeth

Dr. Elizabeth Sugg tends to dental patients of all ages in tranquil, window-lined office

Periodontist examines and x-rays mouths before installing implant, abutment, and crown throughout the course of several months

Zoom!'s light-activated gel brightens teeth by up to eight shades; take-home kit lifts stains in comfort of own home in 30 minutes

Digital x-rays and intraoral cameras keep staff and patients up to date on teeth health; laser and air-abrasion technology treat issues

Dentist-developed toothbrush moves 30,000 strokes per minute to clean teeth in two minutes before returning to its self-sanitizing charger

Dental team looks through mouths for decay & other issues with x-rays, cleans teeth, or coaxes out stains with professional whitening gel

Patented LED light activates low dosage of hydrogen-peroxide gel during in-office teeth-whitening sessions in room with TV

Dedicated staffers refresh pearly whites with exam, digital panoramic x-rays & cleaning in comfortable office with coastal, modern decor