Tampa Bay Area - Health & Fitness Deals

Deep-tissue massage helps to oust buried knots with intense pressure; guided stretching relaxes muscles with intervals of flexing & rest

A board-certified chiropractor examines reflexes and flexibility. Massage techniques such as therapeutic stretching treat pain and tension.

Certified coaches lead workouts inspired by Olympic sports such as gymnastics, weightlifting, and track and field.

Electric golf carts whisk players over recently renovated course’s 3,335-yard length comprised of 8 par 4s & 10 par 3s

Acupuncturist consults with clients before stimulating nervous-system points to alleviate chronic pain, headaches & other ailments

One-hour Boost whitening treatment dissolves stains from enamel in one hour without the use of UV lamps.

Yvette Bernosky & staff lead group classes, such as cycling, boxing, TRX, and yoga in private studio where Ms. Florida works out.

Aesthetic artisans smooth away unwanted hair with Palomar StarLux 500 laser, clearing up to 95% of fuzz in six to eight treatments

Dermatologist makes incisions along crease of upper eyelids during procedure & rejuvenates drooping lids by removing excess skin & fat

Therapists employ intense massage strokes to treat muscle tension, injuries & strains from surgery.