Washington DC - Yoga Deals
Team of certified Bikram instructors lead daily 90-minute stretch sessions performed in sultry heated studio
Certified yoga teachers encourage relaxation and healing with one-hour hatha yoga classes held inside a sunny studio overlooking the forest
Yoga classes for all ages; up to 10 classes each day
With the thermostat set at 85–90 degrees, students practice power Vinyasa yoga on the floors of an award-winning studio
Pilates mat sessions and hot, gentle, and lunch-hour express yoga classes in studio with hardwood floors flooded with natural light
In a 105-degree room, certified instructors lead a series of 26 postures as they dole out personal corrections and motivations
Instructors guide students through 26 poses and two breathing exercises during 90-minute Bikram-yoga classes in heated studio
Certified instructors lead daily yoga classes for students of all abilities, including Vinyasa and Yogalates, in eco-friendly studio
Vinyasa flow yoga, Pilates, and BodyFlow classes challenge bodies in tranquil, two-story yoga center
Instructors teaching the fitness, spiritual, and meditative properties of yoga with 40 weekly classes ranging from 30–90 sessions