Wilmington-Newark Deals

Students enjoy fitness classes such as Zumba, Belly Funk, and PiYo, which blends yoga and Pilates

The infectious tunes of three indie-rock bands rattle the Sands Steel Stage during 10-day celebration of nongated musical performances

Lightweight arc light evenly distributes its LED glow over Kindles and most other e-readers and recharges via an included USB cord

Professional artists and craftspeople use high-quality frames, matting, and glass to ensure custom image and memorabilia displays

A luxury liner retired from sailing the globe acts as a floating restaurant serving upscale seafood and steak

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multi-protein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins in five days

Durable, water-resistant silicon wristwatches infuse skin with negative ions that may increase metabolism, enhance stamina, and boost focus

Low-impact, full-body workout enhanced with Jillian Michaels audio workouts and built-in speaker system, fan, and heart-rate sensors

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Yoga instructors help students open their core, decompress their spine, and transform their inner disorder into calmness