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1. Henry Margu Wigs
2. Rene of Paris Wigs
3. Jon Renau Wigs
4. Wigs
People choose to wear Jon Renau wigs for a variety of reasons including hair loss because of medical treatments damage from too many chemical used in longterm coloring of the hair or simply because they want a change of style and lookJon Renau wigs have been around for more than 40 years and have built up a worldwide reputation for quality alternative hair pieces They offer more than 125 styles of wigs in more than 100 colors Jon Renau wigs have enjoyed great success in their ability to match every womans hair color This makes them some of the most popular wigs on the marketSee the wide collection of Jon Renau Wigs by visiting this url httpwwwtheheadshoponlinecomJonRenaubymfg511html