
Certified bodywork and acupuncture practitioners with at least 10 years of experience work out tension and treat chronic conditions

Certified bodywork and acupuncture practitioners with at least 10 years of experience work out tension and treat chronic conditions

Licensed acupuncturist uses hair-thin needles to treat maladies such as digestive disorders and chronic pain

Acupuncturist Joseph Adams eliminates chronic pain and other maladies during 75-minute custom treatments with tension-relieving massage

Licensed, certified, and master's degree-toting practitioners use distal acupuncture techniques to treat fully-clothed clients.

Guests relax in a community setting behind a privacy screen as a licensed acupuncturist aims to balance bodily energy with tiny needles

One-hour acupuncture sessions help patients cope with aches, insomnia & other ailments

Traditional, communal treatment for ailments from allergies & sciatica to addictions & anxiety

Experienced acupuncturist eases patients' discomfort & stress by stimulating responsive nerves via thin needles or precise massage strokes.