Acupuncturist Chris Aul, who studied under Chinese masters, rebalances bodily systems with fine-gauge needles.
Clients have EMI energy scan and consultation with chiropractor before acupuncture helps reenergize bodies.
Tiny needles redirect the body's healing energy flow, helping to lessen discomfort and stress or battle other ailments.
BioMeridian machine determines body's reaction to food allergens before holistic health expert gives dietary & lifestyle recommendations.
Experienced acupuncturists tackle anxiety and pain with thin, sterile needles that help correct bodily imbalances.
Acupuncturist Kenneth B. Noble targets specific points in up to one-hour sessions that treat pain, migraines, or anxiety
Certified acupuncturists use hair-thin needles to sooth maladies from anxiety to muscular pain.
Licensed acupuncturist, Lauren Wolfersberger, stimulates bodily meridians with expertly placed needles to treat maladies & muscle pain
Female & male therapists schooled in traditional Chinese medicine unwind stress-filled bodies with intuitive massage or cupping
Acupuncture treatments target hands, feet & forehead, aiming to combat effects of degenerative eye conditions