
Joeming Dunn, MD, applies acupuncture needles to help weight control, allergies, pain, or nicotine addiction.

Certified acupuncturist gently pricks points of energy with specialized needles to relieve chi-blocking traffic jams in circulatory highways

Thin, sterile needles enter specific bodily points, promoting balance, detoxification & holistic healing

Graduates of Oriental medicine program use thin, sterile, disposable needles to relieve wide range of bodily and emotional symptoms

Licensed acupuncturist consults with clients to determine problem areas, using focused acupuncture and microcurrent sessions to aid healing

Under watchful eye of doctor, specialists banish sinusitis, asthma & more with acupuncture, or eliminate allergies with natural techniques

Traditional needles or cold lasers hit specific points targeted to release the flow of energy throughout the mind and body.

Specialist in herbs & bodywork helps move patients toward healthier states with acupressure & dietary consultations.

Traditional or laser acupuncture, which uses a beam of light to targets individual cells & promote serotonin & reduce inflammation

Licensed acupuncturists unlock body's natural energy flow with strategically placed needles