Expert coaches and instructors instill baseball’s fundamentals in fielding, hitting, base running, and game management
Cross-platform education site preps students in GMAT, LSAT & other academic fields through discussion boards, quizzes & practice tests
Instructors coach individuals and couples through 30 minutes of ballroom or Latin dance moves
Foil, épée & saber techniques taught by instructing core highlighted by former national-level competitors
Fast-paced Latin-inspired dance class for students of all fitness and skill levels
GMAT, GRE, LSAT, or SAT prep courses with 28 hours of class time; consultants review essays and strategies for school admission
Instructors teach variety of styles to students of all ability levels in group or private settings
Jetlev R200 jetpack elevates riders up to three stories above water’s surface
Seasoned instructors lead students in BYOB adult cooking classes; kids and teens learn to create a two- to three-course meal
Expert coaches and instructors instill baseball’s fundamentals in fielding, hitting, base running, and game management