Health & Fitness

Injections of vitamin B12 work to increase energy and support weight-loss efforts

Participants work any combination of challenging workout regimes, including yoga, spin classes, or boot camp

Bikram yoga’s series of 26 postures, done in a heated studio, helps students build strength and flexibility

Noninvasive Lapex BCS LipoLasers warm tissue, boost circulation, flush out fatty acids, and slim physiques

Treatments help to flush waste from the body; one-month supply of detox supplements bolster the cleanse

A noninvasive procedure reduces fat and cellulite with the Curve laser and includes 10-minute whole-body-vibration sessions

Certified professionals work to ease or eliminate hair growth from a selected body area with laser treatments

Instruction from a World Golf Teachers Federation top-100 instructor, who helps players understand and improve their poor tendencies

Juices, shakes, snacks, and supplements fortify customers five times a day for 2 days in an effort to detox systems and stimulate weight los

Membership cards redeemable for two-for-one greens fees at 28 participating West Michigan golf courses for remainder of 2012 and all of 2013