Health & Fitness

Fast-paced workout sessions in groups of four to eight and realistic nutrition plans guided by focused but friendly trainers

Climbers hoist themselves up numerous routes formed by endless combinations of holds at a state-of-the-art climbing facility

A cleansing expert guides patients through sessions using an FDA-approved, closed-style colon-hydrotherapy system

Following an initial assessment, doctors treat allergies using laser technology, a homeopathic bracelet, and drops

PGA professional and six-time Colorado Long Drive champion Paul Surniak uses video analysis to provide corrective advice in lessons

Dentist-developed toothbrush moves 30,000 strokes per minute to clean teeth in two minutes before returning to its self-sanitizing charger

Pristine course and occasional training site for PGA Tour pros hosts 18-hole golf outing including cart, range balls, and post-round sodas

Massage therapists apply guided strokes to corporeal landscapes to relieve stress, increase range of motion, and relax minds

Pair prescription lenses with designer frames by Ogi, Eddie Bauer, Ray-Ban, and Cover Girl

Massage treatments relax and alleviate pain within a newly remodeled office