Louisville - Fitness Classes Deals
Personal trainer with extensive knowledge of yoga and Pilates leads signature barre exercises and Hatha poses
Classes, which are offered in sessions held in the early morning through the evening, in a supportive, family-friendly atmosphere
Personal trainer with extensive knowledge of yoga and Pilates leads outdoor circuit-training classes for all levels
Zumba gets students moving to high-energy tunes; intense boot-camp classes slim clients with metabolic-style cardio and strength training
During 55-minute sessions, certified instructors deliver armloads of personal attention to small groups of six exercisers
Increase strength and endurance; high-energy classes can burn up to 1,275 calories in 50 minutes
Classes, which are offered in sessions held in the early morning through the evening, in a supportive, family-friendly atmosphere
One-hour classes combine cardio, strength training & dance for total-body workout set to current music hits
Personal trainer with extensive knowledge of yoga and Pilates leads signature barre exercises, Hatha poses, and MyTae jabs
Staff employs six-step personal-fit plan & foot biomechanics analysis to guide runners and walkers toward footwear from Adidas, ASICS & Nike